Editorial Policies

alter/nativas e-books, associated to the digital journal alter/nativas. Revista de estudios culturales latinoamericanos, was born with the purpose of contributing to the free circulation and the widest exchange of ideas about the social reality and the cultural praxis in Latin American societies. In order to fulfill that purpose, alter/nativas publishes books focused on the cultural problematic in Latin America from the perspective of the humanities and the social sciences, with particular attention given to those essays of a trans or interdisciplinary nature.

We are a non-profit Publisher, and since our books are published exclusively on digital support (pdf.), and their access is open, free and universal, we do not pay copyrights. Our goal is to promote the production and dissemination of imaginative thinking about Latin America in the most inclusive way, in order to surpass the commodification of knowledge and the actual monopoly in publishing hold by transnational corporations.

Our publications are scrupulously refereed, in order to secure the highest levels of intellectual rigor and scholarly professionalism. Please consult the Guidelines for further information regarding submission, review, and publication process.

Contact us

Abril Trigo
Center for Latin American Studies
The Ohio State University